FDA-approved and ready-to-use
Premix Norepinephrine in 0.9% Sodium Chloride
Available in the 3 most commonly used strengths1
A new day for value
– FDA-approved, reliably manufactured, ready-to-use premix norepinephrine in 0.9% sodium chloride
– 24-Month shelf life at room temperature helps reduce waste1-4
– Ready-to-use premix helps enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of pharmacy operations2,3
A new day for reliability
– Safely and reliably manufactured in the EU
A new day for patient safety
– ISMP recommends that commercially prepared premix products be used when possible rather than manually compounded sterile products5
– Allows the pharmacy to focus efforts on those critical medications that are only available through compounding2
– Long shelf life helps support adequate par levels in the patient care area
– Safe for use up to 7 days after removal from foil overwrap1
– Overwraps have distinct, color-differentiated labels for easy identification
– Bar-coded overwraps and IV bags support safe restocking, dispensing and administration3
– IV Bag not made with natural rubber latex, DEHP or PVC.1
1. Data on file, Long Grove Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
2. ISMP Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals; 2020-2021. https://www.ismp.org/sites/default/files/attachments/ 2020-02/2020-2021%20TMSBP-%20FINAL_1.pdf . Accessed May 9, 2023.
3. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines on preventing medication errors in hospitals. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2018; 75:1493–1517. Accessed May 9, 2023.
4. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines on medication cost management strategies for hospitals and health systems. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2008;65:1368-1384. Accessed May 9, 2023.
5. ISMP Guidelines for Safe Preparation of Compounded Sterile Preparations; Revised 2016. https://www.ismp.org/sites/default/files/attachments/2017-11/Guidelines%20for%20Safe%20Preparation%20of%20Compounded%20Sterile%20Preperations_%20revised%202016.pdf. Accessed September 6, 2023.

Additional Resources
Sterile Compounding Versus Outsourcing Premixed Solutions: Making Informed Decisions
Mary Nazzal, PharmD, BCSCP and Melanie Dorey, R.Ph.T
Considerations for Sourcing Premixed Pharmaceuticals
Mary Nazzal, PharmD, BCSCP and Melanie Dorey, R.Ph.T
