Nick Knapp

Manager, Logistics & Supply Chain

Nick is a dedicated operations management professional with more than 20 years of experience managing global logistics and operations teams in healthcare and other industries. He has a robust track record of high performance in driving safety and productivity while managing extensive international distribution centers and shipping networks. Nick has a precise understanding of the distinct logistics and transportation requirements of each product, a keen eye for cost reduction and operational efficiency, and a genuine, collaborative spirit.

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Q: What do you value most about being part of the Long Grove team?

A: As a smaller company, Long Grove can make quick decisions based on precise answers without the delays and red tape you sometimes find elsewhere. Getting product where it needs to go is everyone’s goal, and while Logistics holds the lion’s share of responsibility, we all collaborate closely to keep our promises to our customers.

Q: What are some of the top priorities of your day-to-day work?

A: Logistics and operations think about all the moving pieces that it takes to ensure sustained product quality and on-time delivery, from materials management to temperature control and transportation, including complex processes like international customs procedures. We always keep cost in mind and work to prevent any potential shortages.

Q: What motivates you?

A: Logistics is the bridge between our products and the patients who are counting on us. Operational efficiency and reliability are paramount not only from a business perspective, but from a human one. It’s a privilege to work with this great team and have a demonstrable, positive impact on people’s lives.