Aaron Rayford

Major Account Executive, South Central Region

A dynamic and strategic sales leader, Aaron Rayford has driven successful sales strategy, spearheaded contract negotiation, and built executive-level relationships within numerous pharmaceutical and medical device companies for over 25 years. His collaborative mindset and strong coaching skills make him a valued team leader and partner to his colleagues and customers. Aaron has held key sales and leadership positions at Abbott/Hospira, Piramal, McKesson, Xellia, PAI, and Fagron.

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Q: What sets Long Grove apart?

A: It’s the culture. My colleagues at Long Grove all share a culture of creativity and integrity, and they have a growth mindset that I deeply admire. We’re bringing innovative products to market and changing how healthcare operates for the better. I’m excited about the organization’s direction across the board – from our commercial operations to our sales leadership and community involvement while maintaining patient/healthcare collaboration.

Q: Why are generics such an exciting place to be?

A: We are so privileged to be able to help individuals improve their lives through medication. I always appreciated working in pharmaceuticals and playing a part in assisting others as they get well. With generics, we all have a passion for efficiency and cost reduction and a drive to make these necessary products even more accessible to those needing medication. Every day, I feel like I am truly making a difference.

Q: What do you most enjoy about your work?

A: For me, it’s all about meeting customers face-to-face and having conversations that move the needle within the healthcare community. I strive to be a trusted advocate and only promote what I truly believe in. Communication is a two-way street, and you never know when one conversation might spark an idea that leads to better solutions and even stronger relationships down the road.